Calladuran Smoothhands
Calladuran Smoothhands is perhaps more a folk hero than a true god, though in this universe where magic begets power, perhaps there is little difference.
Whatever the case, the deep gnomes do not really interact with the pantheons much, particularly those of the lands above whose domains often do not touch the trenches of the underdark.
But the name of Calluduran is invoked before going on mining excursions, many gnomes carry a token of Smoothhand's star symbol for good luck, and there are many everyday phrases that reference the name. "Smoothhands touched" or "Smoothhands shunned" are common turns of phrase to mean things are 'blessed' or 'cursed' among the svirfneblin.
There is typically a communal 'altar' where offerings are left to attempt to curry favor for particularly dangerous or challenging work. Offerings are often rubies or star sapphires, and altar sites are often found near entrances to mines. The size of the stone is less important than the quality and craftsmanship, so many are quite small, and sometimes are arranged in beautiful patterns known as mineflowers.