


Domains: Forge, Knowledge, War, Death

Known also as Stone, The Brother, The Unnatural, or The Inspiration of Unlife, Forge is a most fascinating deity, as it is said to have been born not by the work of the other gods, but by the work of humanoids themselves. Forge is usually depicted as male but titled as neither, usually wearing a smith’s apron or carrying tools of smithing or masonry. Forge is the god of bringing life to the things Earth overlooked or left unliving - making things out of stone, bringing metal out of the earth and crafting it, as well as making a living underground, where neither Sun nor Earth can reach. Forge is the god of smiths and masons - those who work with stone and metal. It is also the Guardian god of underground folk - Dwarves, Deep Gnomes and Drow, and the god of necromancy.

It is said that when the sentient creatures of the Earth began to spread and settle, they found a drive - planted by Earth and Inspiration - to create things themselves as well. Many simply continued working with the creations of Earth, working wood and leather or painting with pigments found in plants and the ground. But others found an ability to work that which did not live: stone. As they began to learn this creation, Forge was awakened, and hurried to aid their work. Forge would give them inspiration and knowledge to create more and more elaborate things. With Forge’s help, humanoids found a way to bring metal and stone to life as tools or artwork. Soon its influence could be seen across the world: from the massive stone buildings made by humanoids, to the weapons they wielded in war. The other deities were suspicious of Forge, as he was bringing uncontrolled knowledge to the Humanoids, and as he seemed to undermine both Earth and Sun: Earth by bring life into something that was not touched by the Earth’s blessing, and Sun as it taught folk to live underground - out of sight of the Sun. Some stories even say Forge was the creator of the underground races. But once again the Crow Queen stepped in, supported by both the White Moon and Inspiration, to protect that which had been created. And the God was allowed to remain.

As the enemy of Sun, Forge has been used by groups opposing the status quo of society. It is also the chosen deity of Necromancers, as they too are bringing their own version of life into unliving bodies. As such, Forge is one of the gods with most “evil” associations. That is not to say it is considered the evil god of the pantheon, however, as its value as god of smithing and masonry cannot be overstated.