
The Red Moon

Domains: Trickery, Light, Twilight

The younger sister Selenee, the smaller, red moon, is the goddess of trickery, deception and dreams. She is often depicted as younger, even as a child, with long red braids and a wide smile. She did not care for knowledge or arcana. She did, however, love to travel the world and see its people. She is a trickstery goddess, who loves jokes and adventure and to give strange dreams to the sleepers she pass. She moves faster across the sky, and can appear even in the day. She also tends to spin around her slower sister, teasing and playing with her. She is often worshiped by those who wish to live their lives of trickery and adventure.

Many who follow her limit their jokes to the benevolent and playful, but others make use of her gifts for more nefarious means. It is not unusual for thieves and charlatans to pray to the Red Moon, as they carry out their deception and sleight of hand in the cover of her shadows.