
The Storm

Domains: Tempest, Nature, Trickery

The Storm is the goddess of the sea, the clouds and motion. She is often gendered female, but not always. She is depicted as a young humanoid with flowing long clothes and hair, constantly in motion. She is the goddess that most needs to be appeased with prayers and offerings: for farmers wishing for water to their crops, but no storms that tear them down, and for sailors wishing for wind in their sail, but not so much as to sink their ships.

It is said that as The Sun watched and The Earth worked, a motion was awoken in the world. It started softly, with a light breeze, but soon grew into a storm. This Storm was then awakened as a goddess of her own. She saw the beauty The Earth was making but worried about its stillness, so she brought movement into the world. Her winds started spreading the seeds the Earth made across the land, and brought waves on the still ocean. She was the start of weather - clouds drifting over the sky, rains bringing water and snow bringing calm and rest. She brought rain to dry deserts. But she was easily carried away by her own work, sometimes so much that she would end up destroying the Earth’s creations with violent storms and earth quakes. However, these places would soon recover, even lusher than before. Her temper was unpredictable, but her presence as necessary as the others.

Some believers of Storm focuses less on her life-giving properties and more on the Chaos she brings. As such, she has sometimes become the Goddess of Chaos for certain cults and revolutionaries.