Session 02-Horror Gives Us Goosebumps
You purchased some refreshments at the Bound Bean and had a tour around the main entrance from the ever-chattering kenku and his long-suffering goblin companion. You have also been given instructions by Seshat on how to locate books in the Library, and are tasked with finding a specific infected book for your first test. The other group of apprentice-librarians has gone ahead of you on a similar mission, led by the other librarians: the red grung d'Ehp'd'Hop and elderly bugbear Virramel. You passed through the main rotunda where various fantastical illustrations appeared on the domed ceiling above (for most of you). From there, Snailrag led you to the Horror section with the Card Catalogue Compass where a magical tremor occurred and you were attacked by bloodthirsty creatures from the Goosebumps books. Some have been defeated, and more enemies from other books have also appeared.
- Crinkle was too loud and was magically shushed by Seshat for trying to goad d'Ehp'd'Hop while also insisting the grung was the instigator (wasn't paying attention)
- Virramel held back Grisham from trying to go after Thistle
- We got a bunch of buffs from the Bound Bean coffee shop
- tour of the place led into getting a card to use with the compass to find a bookworm infested book apparently in the horror section, Snailrag seemed particularly concerned
- Rollie kept hiding behind Thistle
- got through two rounds before we had to stop for time
Some impressions from the rotunda:
Rollie sees a candy boat and some other things, a lot of snacks.
Thistle: Feel the glow of sunlight coming from above causing me to squint, silhouette of myself that appears to be shifting into a human? River of blue in the night, figure falling into it while reaching for a golden feather. Page of music notes, scales with pan pipe notations.
Gouda & Shallot see horse cavalry lead by a rider all in white. Duel with soldiers. Armies upon armies approaching a dark, forbidding mountain.
YA doesn't see much other than the clouds.
We're in the horror section!
- N/A
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