Session 11-Library Security


The orc, acknowledging defeat, quickly burned some pages from his pocket and crushed his purple crystal before he was knocked out by Gouda. The fire spread to the ground around him, but Thistle was able to put it out. With help from History you solved the altar puzzle - a memory game where the pillars needed to be pressed in an increasingly long sequence, which you found written on a parchment in the kobold's pocket. The middle now glows a solid blue and History told you this will help heal the Written Realms of his section, although he can't remember why. Rollie looted the pockets of the fallen and found a coded journal page that seems to explain how to use the purple crystals, two book cards, and several potions and amulets with a broken horn sigil. Thistle, Young Adult, and Rollie attempted to help the hollyphant, Lulu, with why her library card wasn't working, and History advised it was likely because the Written Realms were empty. Rollie and Thashallot handily lifted the unconscious kobold, dwarf, and orc into an empty, old-time reshelving cart in the shape of an actual cart, and wheeled them to the Information Desk by the Exit. On the way out of History, a gnome greeted you with strange familiarity from the Future section, but he appears to be ahead of schedule and went back in to continue fixing the paradoxes. Armed guards from House Ola have swarmed out of the main portal and are insisting on providing security for the heir of their house. Due to the chaos, the bugbear librarian Virramel offered to wheel the unconscious into the holding cells in the back offices area, and snuck them past where the guards were arguing with the dragonborn librarian, Sir Yis, about not being able to meet with the Pagemaster. The blacksmith, Pyre Pageburner, is restoring History as best as she can, and says this will take a while. She pointed out a page specifically about the history of the Library. You all have now gone to The Loose Leaf tea shop to rest.






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